Made for Praise! Lesson 7/8 - Todah

What is praise and worship? Are there different ways to praise the Lord? What’s it for? How do we do it? The following lessons help kids explore what it means to praise the Lord, and the amazing power and results we can get from doing it. Different words in the Bible are translated as “praise,” and each of them describes a different way to praise.

 Today’s Hebrew Praise Word: Todah, which means to use a loud voice, especially being thankful while help is still on the way! When the Israelites finished rebuilding the temple, they gave such a loud shout that people could hear them for miles around. Check it out in Ezra 3.

 Here’s our teaching video that talks all about this: Made for Praise - Lesson 7 - Todah

And here’s a video about this Bible Story: The New Temple; 2FishTalks

We see Todah when someone thanks a friend for being willing to help them, even before they do it! Giving Todah to God is an expression of our faith in God’s ability and willingness to help us. We can be thankful God is on our side, and when the answer to our prayers is still on the way!

 And that brings us to our praise motto this week: When I praise the Lord, others learn about God!


Here are some activity sheets you can do to support this lesson

Made for Praise – Lesson 7 Outline – Todah

Made for Praise – Lesson 7 – Elementary Activity Sheet

Made for Praise – Lesson 7 – Preschool Activity Sheet


And remember, you were made for praise!

Mara Fraser

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